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Play Episode

Play Episode, in “Weimaerer Beiträge, Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft, Ästhetik und Kulturwissenschaften”, 4/2013, Herausgegeben von Peter Engelmann gemeinsam mit Michael Franz und Daniel Weidner, Passagen Verlag. Abstract This essay explores the relationship between modern concepts of time and serial storytelling. I will argue that the dominance of serial narratives in television today is based on …

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мокрое дело (wetwork)

“Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression “wet work,” as well as the similar “wet job,” “wet affair,” or “wet operation,” are all calques of the euphemism used by the KGB for such activities, mokroye delo (wet dealings). These operations are reputed to have been handled at the …

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Who is Anna Walentynowicz?

This award-winning documentary is about Anna Walentynowicz, a crane operator at the shipyard in Gdansk, Poland from 1954 to 1980, and founder of the polish union Solidarnosc. I came across her name in a footnote in Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics in 1999 and decided to find her. I travelled to Gdansk and when I met this …

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The Politics of Narrative

The Politics of Narrative, in 21st Century Film and TV School Book (tba 2015) Abstract This essay explores the relationship between story structure and systems of power. I will demonstrate that every story written so far serves to either defend or overthrow property relations and the discourse of family. In the course of the Neolithic …

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Animal Husbandry, Tragedy, and the Patriarchal Psychosis

  Animal Husbandry, Tragedy,and the Patriarchal Psychosis  in New Theatre Quarterly 1/15, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015). Abstract The object of my essay is to trace the historical derivation of tragedy as a patriarchal cultural achievement. To this end, I will organize the pertinent developments and show how tragedy came into being with the transition from …

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